The aim of this community service activity is to introduce basic occupational safety and health (OSH) to the students of Rawa Badak 01 Elementary School as an effort to reduce the risk of work accidents. The community service program implemented various methods, including presentations on basic OSH, fire and earthquake simulations, question and answer sessions, participants’ recapitulation, and evaluation. This community service was attended by 30 fourth-grade students from Rawa Badak 01 Elementary School. The results of the community service activity are as follows: (1) the presentations delivered by the students of Occupational Safety and Health Study Program, Polytechnic of Manpower regarding basic OSH, (2) the fire and earthquake simulations aimed at providing participants with an understanding of evacuation procedures, and (3) the evaluation to assess whether the presentations and simulations were well-received and understood by the participants.Keywords: evaluation, occupational safety and health, osh, presentation, simulation